The Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary is a society of Altar Servers which seeks to deepen the spiritual life of its members and to help them to become more worthy of their high office.
Altar servers from many parishes meet together locally and at regional festivals held in various parts of the country for worship and fellowship, often providing support for servers who may have no other contact with others in this ministry. There are chapters throughout England and Wales as well as affiliations with similar organisations around the globe.
Objectives of the Guild:
To raise the spiritual tone of Altar Servers
To promote a conscientious performance of the of the duties of Altar servers
To encourage more frequent attendance at the Holy Eucharist in addition to times of duty
All members of the Saint Augustine’s serving team are members of the Guild. Members of the Chapter come from various Churches in the locality and Chapter meetings are held at Saint Augustine’s, Saint Nicolas Guildford, Gordon’s School and other places as arranged. We also meet in less formal surroundings for fellowship, especially at Christmastime.